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Januari 2014

Tevreden nieuwe Paso-eigenaars 


Gerda en ik zijn nu in Andalusië voor een 7 tal weken met onze 2 merries ( en onze Collie!). Gisteren onze Pasos voor hun eerste keer de zee laten zien en op het strand gaan rijden bij windkracht 4/5 en het ging super. 
„Back" naar hun „roots”!
Voor ons vertrek waren we nog eens gaan kijken naar de 2 nieuwe Paso-ruinen bij Bruno en Ilse, die in november waren toegekomen. 
Dit was hun commentaar:
"Bijzonder tevreden met onze 2 ruinen!
Bedankt Gerda en Georges voor de uitstekende afhandeling van het ganse proces gaande van de hulp bij de keuze van de paarden in de Verenigde Staten tot en met de aankomst hier bij ons, 
Bruno en Ilse.


Juli 2013

Napoli-veulentje te koop



Gerda en ik hebben besloten GGS Claro, ons hengst-veulentje van dit jaar, te verkopen.

Claro is ondertussen bijna 3 maand en is bij de 2 beste veulens, die we ooit gefokt hebben.

Zijn merrie is RCh Alicia en hier vind je van haar een clipje (opgenomen in 2009; je merkt hoeveel lichter van kleur ze nu geworden is):
en hier vind je een clipje van Alicia's vader, RCh Ventaronnes:

Claro's vader, MLM Napoli, zelf is waarschijnlijk al voldoende bekend...

En tenslotte een clipje van Claro tijdens zijn geliefkoosde bezigheid; lopen:


Maart 2013

Opnieuw 5 nieuwe Pasos


Eind april komen er opnieuw vijf nieuwe Pasos naar Europa.


Guantanamero (ken je het liedje nog?) vindt bij Sonia zijn nieuwe thuis,
Angelita en Zeus gaan de paarden bij Franziska vervoegen 
en Excaliber en Santaria komen bij ons.
Onderstaand vind je foto's van deze toffe Pasos en de YouTube filmpjes staan op de volgende links:


We wensen de nieuwe eigenaars veel plezier en vriendschap met hun nieuwe paarden.


Van de 30 door ons geselecteerde Pasos zijn er nog 25 over; dus nog een zeer ruime keuze!
(er is zich al wel een volgende groep Pasos aan het vormen richting ons continent)



Februari 2013

Speciale dekvoorwaarden


Vermits we in Andalusië zijn, zien we hier nu reeds al het jonge leven rondhuppelen en dat brengt onze aandacht weer terug op het dekseizoen.

Als alles goed gaat zullen er dit jaar een record aantal veulentjes van MLM Napoli (en van zijn merrie-partners uiteraard) geboren worden.

Dit doet ons enorm veel plezier. Zoveel zelfs dat we besloten hebben de speciale dekvoorwaarden ook in 2013 te handhaven.

Dus als je graag wat meer info wil, stuur ons een mailtje!


. Napoli is ondertussen 13, dus fokkers die graag een hengst willen die het allemaal reeds bewezen heeft zelf en via zijn veulens; e-mail maar...

. Napoli is één van de weinige Paso hengsten die via KI dekt, zoveel simpeler, beter en veiliger voor de partners en eigenaars.


Januari 2013

Mei is cursustijd; reserveer tijdig!


Goede gewoontes moeten in stand gehouden worden....
Daarom houden we op 25/26 mei opnieuw cursus met Richard.
Verstandig is om nu reeds te reserveren!




29 November 2012

MLM Napoli opgenomen in het A-register van het Gaited Baroque Horse


MLM Napoli werd opgenomen in A-register van het Gaited Baroque Horse Register. Hij is de eerste en voorlopig enigste hengst die erin werd opgenomen gezien de mooie fokresultaten ook met niet-gangenpaarden, waarbij hij gangaanleg doorgeeft.

Meer info op


12 November 2012

Videomateriaal van de 30+ Pasos beschikbaar!



Al het videomateriaal is verwerkt en de DVD's van onze selecties zijn klaar om bekeken te worden door onze bezoekers. Het samenvattend clipje staat ook al op de website. De meeste geselecteerde paarden hebben we kunnen reserveren tot eind dit jaar. Verschillende mensen hebben al een afspraak gemaakt en de eerste Paso heeft al een nieuwe eigenaar. Dus moest je interesse hebben, wacht niet te lang!




26 October 2012

30 Pasos geselecteerd!


We hebben alle ranches bezocht en zijn moe maar tevreden. Vanaf 10 november is hopelijk al het filmmateriaal opnieuw verwerkt.


In de nieuwe selectie zijn 30 opgeleide Pasos, waarvan enkele ook al in de vorige selectie zaten. De meeste zijn nieuw. 17 merries en 13 ruinen. Vraagprijzen vanaf 4.000$. Wie ons snel komt bezoeken heeft uiteraard de grootste keuze.



12 October 2012

Nieuwe selectietrip; veel interesse!


We vertrekken woensdag 17 october en al 7 mensen hebben ons gevraagd voor hen hun droom-Paso te zoeken!!

We zullen ons best doen!



3 October 2012

Sophie en Mago


Dames en Heren, 

(beste Paso-vrienden)

Mag ik U voorstellen:
DE  Peruaanse Paso Clip van 2012!!!:
Click hier.
En Sophie maakte onze dag helemaal goed door op te merken dat wij Mago geselecteerd hebben. 
Dat is natuurlijk eigenlijk fout; Gerda en ik deden de preselectie. Maar de uiteindelijke keuze en vooral het ongelofelijke Teamwerk is volledig Sophie en Mago!!
Geniet ervan.




20 September 2012

Nieuwe Selectietrip



Gerda en ik trekken er weer op uit.


Midden oktober gaan we weer in de V.S. voor jullie Pasos selecteren.


Als er iemand een speciale wens heeft, graag een mailtje  voor 10 oktober.


Als alles goed gaat kunnen jullie vanaf 10 november naar de selectie komen kijken.



20 Augustus 2012

Nederlandse versie nieuwe site on line


Vandaag, 20 augustus, is de Nederlandse versie van onze nieuwe site online gegaan.

Het was geen bloed, zweet en tranen, maar het heeft wel aardig wat tijd gekost, daar we ditmaal veel zelf hebben moeten doen. Maar dankzij Stefan van Solid Solutions is het allemaal terecht gekomen. Graag horen we van jullie wat je ervan vindt, zowel goede als mindere punten. Met je commentaar kan je Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken. terecht.





Onderstaand vind je een erg mooie beschrijving van het Paso Peruano ras.
Ze is waar........ maar niet voor alle Pasos!!
Groetjes van Gerda.


Cortney Heslington
Honors English 11-B4
Ms. Buhler
11 February 2005


Caballo Peruano de Paso


(The Peruvian Stepping Horse)


There are many different types and breeds of horses that are used for many different things. Some are specialized in jumping, some in racing, others inshowing or parades, and some are great for rodeos. However the qualities that make the best all around horse are temperament, beauty, versatility, low maintenance, and being all around pleasurable. The one breed of horse that meets this criteria and is the most pleasurable of all is the Peruvian Paso.


The Peruvian Paso is known as one of South America's best kept secrets (Reusser 20 Jan. 2005 ). The first people to introduce the horse to theAmerica's was the Spanish. Christopher Columbus brought the first horses to the island of Santo Domingo in 1493 that were used to start the first breeding operation. The most outstanding breed at the time was the Andalusion which became the foundation of the Peruvian Paso (Peruvian).
Soon after, the breed moved down into the central parts of South America and were used for mounting troops during their conquests. In 1532 Francisco Pizaro's troops used an early version of the Peruvian Paso when he conquered the Inca empire. It was here, in Peru's rough terrain, where these lovely animals stayed isolated and were bred to perfection. It would be 450 years later before the secret was unleashed to the rest of the world.


The most important quality in a horse is temperament; and the Peruvian has the best. Due to it's isolation in Peru for so many centuries, the Peruvian is one of the purest breeds in the world. During their 450 year isolation, the Peruvian breeders would only breed the horses that had the besttemperaments. Any horse that had an unsuitable disposition was banned tofield work or even worse, literally banned to the dinner table (Albright, History). So bad traits and habits such as biting, bucking, and kicking faded with each generation and today are very rare among this breed (Kiesow 28 Jan. 2005)! Currently, if a Peruvian has a bad habit, it was most likely taught to them by a human and not inherited (Ripley 1 Feb. 2005).


So if their temperament lacks in bad qualities, what are their good qualities? The best quality is it's willingness to serve. The Peruvian lives to serve. Horse breeder Annie Kiesow said that Peruvians are so willing to obey that they will literally be shaking when asked to do something scary, yet will still obey. It is almost as if they say, " I am scared about this, but you asked me to do it ,so I will" (Kiesow 28 Jan. 2005). Furthermore
sensibility, patience, loyalty, and dependability are cherished Peruvian qualities. One example of how sensible and patient the Peruvian is, is that if a Peruvian gets hung up in a fence, it would usually stand and wait to be
untangled by its owner rather than go wild such as other horses would (Kruger 20 Feb. 2005). Annie Kiesow commented on their loyalty in the following quote, " My Gelding would die for me, I just know it, bred down
from the horses of the Spanish conquistadors, they have the heart of a warrior, I had a young horse once that stood his ground while an angry cow hit him so hard she knocked the wind out of him, but he stayed between her and me." ( Kiesow). "You can even see them reason and they sense your feelings and act accordingly", Carole commented (Photiadis 6 Feb. 2005). Once they learn something, they generally never forget, which makes them extremely dependable. The Peruvian, because of their great temperament, is the national horse of Peru and is highly respected (Hirthler 1977).


This horse was also bred for a quality called brio. A horse with brio is focused, willing to work, and is quick to react and learn. The word brio isn 't synonymous with the word "spirit" referring to a horse that is hard to
control, such as the spirit of the Arab. Rather, the energy and heart of a horse with brio is completely at the service of the rider. Underneath all that energy is a calm and completely willing horse. To be willing is the
most important characteristic in brio (Albright, Peruvian) . One great example of Peruvian's easy temperament combined with their brio took place at a pre-show press conference at the luxurious Radisson Hotel in Odessa,
Texas. Joan Box and her associate brought their horses to the show and to accommodate the journalists, they took their horses through the glass doors, down the stairs, and into the lobby with complete calmness. One man in the hotel hoped that they would be staying in the room next to him because they were better mannered than the people who stayed there the night before.
After the Press conference, they gave pony rides to all who wanted. Albright said,

" Those who saw them in the show arena a few days later were treated to high-stepping, fire-breathing, show-stopping excitement. Watching them in competition, it was hard to believe that the same horses had calmly walked inside a busy hotel and given pony rides to tourists on a crowded sidewalk. I know of few breeds where this would be typical of high performance show horses." ( Albright, Versatility)


These great horses will be quiet in the pasture and when they are with other horses but as soon as they are under saddle they really "wake up" and all their energy is at your, the rider's service (Windom 25 Jan 2005). Carole Photiadis describes how brio can be felt by just sitting on a Peruvian. She said, " climb aboard and feel the muscles quiver beneath you, waiting for your command." ( Photiadis).


Dale Roberson says that, " Watching a Peruvian should induce a special feeling for even the most naive equestrian." Brio brings out the spirit, pride, and heart of the horse that makes it thrilling to watch or ride.
Albright interprets the sensation of brio in the following quote:

" He comes into view, elegant and handsome... maybe even a little pretentious and arrogant. Always on parade, he fills the scene with his ample movements. The universe is barely big enough to contain his boastful

gaiety. He is a source of great pleasure to his owner and to those who see him." ( Albright, Versatility)


Brio is the controlled energy that the Peruvian gives off simply in it's presence. When watching the horse it looks full of energy, movement, and pride but underneath all that, the rider feels complete calmness. Brio is something you have to see yourself because words cannot accurately describe it.. It creates the pleasure of catching every eye you pass.


To compliment a Peruvian Paso's brio is the pleasure of it's majestic beauty. The Peruvian has a body full of strength and stamina with well developed muscles giving it a refined appearance. It's height is between 14 and 15 hands ( about 4½ to 5 feet to the withers). It's head is of medium size, proportional with it's body, and has a small muzzle. It's eyes are dark and expressive with a graceful, arched neck. The body is long and muscular. The coat is always a deep color that shines and looks and feels soft and silky. The mane and tail are long, thick and beautiful ( Reusser 20 Jan. 2005). Overall they are one of the most beautiful breeds to look at.


Another reason owners find pleasure in the Peruvian is because they require such little maintenance in care, riding , and training. They eat very little because of their high metabolism and small size. Consequently, they don't cost as much to take care of. Where some horse breeds require extensive foot care, the Peruvian's feet require little maintenance. Their feet are so tough that they don't need shoes or any other special care. (Kiesow 28 Jan. 2005). The Peruvian is generally less dominant than most making them easier to handle while in the pasture and during training Ripley commented that, " I got my mare out of the pasture when she was six years old and got on her bareback and lead lines on her halter. That was how I "trained" her." ( Ripley). Compared to other horses they are very easy to train , which saves the rider much frustration and time


After considering all the above qualities, one might question ,what is a Peruvian like to ride? Their sensitivity and responsiveness makes them extremely easy to ride and train. They are sensitive and require very little
effort for communication. They can pick up even the smallest body movements of their rider and are very light with the reins ( Ripley 01 Feb. 2005). It' s easy to concentrate on other things while riding because it's not
necessary to be always jerking on the reins.


Along with their responsiveness, comfort is a quality that can make riding a great pleasure. The years of their isolated breeding has resulted in the Peruvian having the smoothest gait in the world. After riding a Peruvian
Paso Arlene Margrino stated , " After traveling over three continents and riding countless trails on every breed of horse ... I've found the end of the rainbow. The Peruvian is by far the smoothest riding horse. I've ridden them all and believe me this is it!" (Albright ,Peruvian). They are so smooth that a common way to judge a show is to have each rider carry a champagne glass and see who spills the least. Quite often nobody spills a drop. The best thing about their gait or paso is that they pass it on to one-hundred percent of their offspring. (Kiesow 28 Jan. 2005). Even a Tennessee walking horse and other gaited horses seem bouncy compared to the
Peruvian ( Reusser).


The Peruvian has four unique four-beat gaits: The Walk, Paso Llano, Sobreandando, and Huachano. These gaits are lateral instead of diagonal like trotting horses and so the weight is more evenly distributed and little to
no movement is transferred to the rider which creates a smooth ride. These gaits always include three feet on the ground at a time. Even though these are their most common gaits, just like any horse the Peruvian can still
canter and gallop. ( Reusser).


Another quality that is unique to the Peruvian is a component called termino. The word termino describes the front leg action that is similar to that of a swimmer. This action creates a lot of front leg action without any bounce transferred to the rider; Also it looks very beautiful because of how high they pick up their feet (


Another thing that makes the Peruvian a great all around horse is that it is good for all types of people: old, young, big , little, experienced or not. Because of their quiet disposition and dependability, anyone can handle
these horses. In most Peruvian shows, there are separate sections for juniors because they are so good with children (Mindel 1989). Michele Ripley even lets all her nieces and nephews ride her gelding and never has to worry about them (Ripley 01 Feb. 2005). Carole Photaidis believe that, " the younger the child, the more gentle the horse becomes. I have seen toddlers on the Peruvians and the Peruvians acted as if their cargo was glass." Many buy this breed as their first time horse, including retired people because the Peruvian gives a nice smooth ride and is easy to handle. The Peruvian is so easy to handle, in fact, that seventy-nine year old Rose Walker from Oregon, and her mother who is one hundred years old often go on all day rides on their Peruvians (Albright, Who). A Peruvian breeder said, "The largest of stallions can be ridden by the smallest of children"( Hirthler 1977).


These horses are a joy because they can be therapeutic. Where most people with back problems, hip problems, pregnancy, and many other heath problems shouldn't ride horses, the Peruvian is actually good for them. Linda Garro has chronic arthritis in her spine and hips. Throughout her life she had always been a fox hunter but the doctors prohibited it because of her arthritis. But since she has found the Peruvian she is able to ride again with no pain. She even claims that her back feels better on days when she rides. This is just one of countless other stories. Some doctors that know about the Peruvian Paso even recommend the breed. (Albright, Who).


Because of the Peruvians unique body build it is very athletic and versatile. The chest is wide and deep which allows a large breathing capacity which improves endurance. The Peruvian also has an extremely sure foot because of it's gait and the angle of the pasterns. The original purpose of the breed was to cover a lot of ground while giving the smoothest ride possible. The plantation owners could ride up to forty miles a day and
feel like they've only ridden one ( Mindel 1989). This horse was meant for anything from the mountains, to the dessert, to the beach. Thanks to the Peruvian Paso the great Andes mountains were conquered by man ( Hirther 1977). Some may argue that their small size might hinder their abilities but on the contrary, it proves to be no disadvantage at all. They don't feel small at all because their heart is so big. Their brio and the way they
carry themselves makes the rider feel as if they are riding a much larger horse. Their size contributes to their agility. Their size was originally preferred by the farmers because of the easy mounts and dismounts. They are
also much stronger than expected and can carry up to 250 pounds (Photiadis 06 Feb. 2005). A man from Idaho took a Peruvian on an elk hunt and after another larger horse refused to pack an elk out of the rugged country, they put the meat on the smaller Peruvian who not only brought the meat out , but did it in record time (Albright , Peruvian). Another example is when rider ,Joan Box, attempted to compete her Peruvian on an endurance race and the ride manager almost wouldn't let her come but she ended up being one of the first to finish. Another competitor commented , " I think the Peruvians and their riders should have to go back out and ride at least another hour. It's only fair. The horses aren't tired, and neither are the riders!". Although some think that the only uses for the Peruvian is for show. "Audrey Gaisfield of Ranch Que Sabe often rides her most successful show horse on the trail ( or would it be more correct to say that she uses her most successful trail horse in the show arena?)" (Albright who). There is a saying in Peru, " The Peruvian Paso is a work horse suitable for showing- not a show horse suitable for working. (Albright who).


Peruvians can participate in many other activities as well. Some additional activities in which they excel include showing, pleasure riding, parades, endurance racing, drill teams, sidesaddle riding, polo, and just about
anything any other breed enjoys (Albright, Who). The Peruvian horse is capable of preforming, at least moderately, in all activities and you can be sure it will be the most beautiful horse participating. As Carole Photaidis said, " There is no other breed that is close to the Peruvian. He is in a class all of his own."


Therefore for being strictly rodeo queen, the Quarter horse is the best. For only racing, the Thorough bred would be the best. For pulling a carriage, the Clydesdale is great, but for the best all around horse that does a
little bit of everything and makes the most pleasurable friend, the Peruvian Paso is perfect.